News World Order
Part 5 of the 10-part “Gulf Crisis TV Project” series. A look at the ways the media largely acquiesced during the Gulf War; military censorship, press restrictions and the repression of dissenting voices. In short performance pieces, video artists express their desperation over the distortion of news. Features music clips and performance pieces from a variety of artists, and media analysis from journalists at FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) and Center for Constitutional Rights. Don Rojas from the Amsterdam News looks at coverage of the War in the Black community. Meanwhile, Sut Jhally from the University of Massachusetts and the Media Education Foundation, Bill Schaap from the Institute of Media Analysis and Jeff Cohen from FAIR all critique the suspicious and troubling politics of Gulf War reporting. Finally, in true Paper Tiger fashion this video ends with a satiric MTV-styled camcorder dance called “Make Video, Not War.” “The Gulf Crisis TV Project” series has become a historic testament to the potential of media activism. Hundreds of producers, media arts centers, activist and community groups, public access cable stations and PBS affiliates worked together under the concept of “America’s Angriest Videos”. The series presents debate, analysis, performance and activisms from across the United States and abroad in response to the first Gulf War. Half of the series was produced in 1990 and aired nationally before the war began in an effort to open the debate and stop the imminent war in the Gulf. The second half of the series produced in 1991, was aired during and after the war. It further explores the issues examined in the first series and looks at the war’s devastating impact.
1991 TRT: 28 minutes #204