Amy Goodman Takes Aim at the Contract on America
This carnivalesque episode exposes the injustices of 1994 Contract With America, a document written by the US Republican Party detailing the actions the party promised to take if they became majority party in the United States House of Representatives. Join Paper Tiger Television and Amy Goodman –progressive broadcast journalist, columnist and author — in our quest to decipher: what lies behind the Republicans’ Contract with America? What we find is more of a Contract ON America, one that details a programmatic assault on civil liberties and women’s rights. In response to the media representation around the Contract, and citizens’ protests against it, comes the demand that media MUST stop being a vehicle for those in power. In order for the country to have a free media, it has reflect the democracy in this country, that is, the input of people who make up the majority of the population as opposed to the powerful minority. Extra fun bits including side show acts and juggling!
1994 TRT: 28 minutes #263b