International Perspectives – PAPER TIGER Mon, 18 Apr 2016 23:09:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ondas Indigenas (Indigenous Waves) Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:31:15 +0000

Shot on location in Bolivia, Ondas Indigenas documents the indigenous community radio movement in the high plains surrounding La Paz. Featuring interviews with program directors, listeners, and producers from four different radio stations this video gives an overview of the importance of community radio and the difficulty in preserving Aymaran culture. It highlights the many ways in which these community-driven radio stations protect and encourage pride in Aymaran culture for a new generation, which has grown up largely without it. From documenting government oppression to playing traditional music, from giving voice to the under-represented to giving the young access to their dying language, community radio serves as a tool to feed the ideological and philosophical hunger of the communities which it serves. Ondas Indigenas was produced in collaboration with SECRAD (Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y Audiovisuales para el Desarrollo or Radio and Audiovisual Training Service for Development). In Spanish and Aymara with English subtitles.

2004   TRT: 11 minutes   #321
