Who’s Paying the Price?
Who’s Paying the Price : Paper Tiger’s second project on the September 11 tragedy concentrates on the effects of the events on the people of New York. The project includes interviews with labor union and welfare rights activists, those who have lost their jobs directly or indirectly because of 9/11, cab drivers and homeless people. It examines the government”s economic plans that are geared to help corporations (most of which were already in trouble before 9/11) with bailouts and trickle-down economics while ignoring those most in need. The project also looks at the way this process is being ignored by the corporate media, which is busy packaging and selling the government response through patriotism and consumerism. On this project PTTV partnered with Rebuild with a Spotlight on the Poor Coalition, the Good Old Lower East Side, The University Settlement and used interviews by ACORN and members of the Marriott WTC Hotel Workers Union.
2002 TRT: 28 minutes #309